“When the mind is calm, alert and totally contented, then it is like a laser beam - it is very powerful and healing can happen.”

-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Laser Therapy is a well-established technique with a wide range of medical applications. The Anne Penman method utilizes a cold, soft laser beam which is applied to specific energy points on the hands, ears, nose, wrists, lower legs and feet. The procedure helps to promote the release of endorphins: natural chemicals in the body associated with the spontaneous relief of pain and stress. Laser treatment can help to reduce cravings, lower stress, and restore balance.


Smoking Cessation

The Anne Penman program is the most advanced treatment for helping people to stop smoking cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco products, regardless of how many they smoke or for how long.

The program consists of three sessions. The first is one hour long and is usually all that is required to become smoke-free. However, we understand that the time right after quitting smoking is crucial. So to maximize success, two shorter “top off” sessions are included in the weeks following. Further sessions can be arranged depending on individual need.

Cost: $349


Weight Loss

There is no magic secret to losing weight. Intense crash diets can be affective in the short term but they aren’t sustainable and usually cause even more weight to be gained back after they fail. The only truly successful way to lose weight is through healthy eating and sustainable life choices.

This program consists of four hour long sessions designed to encourage a thorough detoxing of the body, promote healthy endorphin production and regulate and balance your mental and emotional state to help you feel better and have more energy, reduce cravings, and remove triggers that cause emotional or stress eating.

Cost: $499

Stress Management

Approximately 43% of all adults suffer adverse effects from stress. Short term effects can range from dizziness, anxiety, tension, sleeplessness, muscle cramps and more, which long-term effects can inhibit the function of our immune, nervous, digestive, and cardiovascular systems.

The stress program is four sessions, each for one hour. In addition to to the energy points to promote relaxation and increase endorphin production, these sessions also focus on breathing techniques and mental exercises to relax the physical body and calm the mind to help you sustain this peace in your every day life.

Cost: $499

World-renowned expert Anne Penman reveals how laser therapy works to help people with issues regarding stress, weight and smoking.