“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”

-Albert Einstein



Wheel of the Year Celebrations

Join us as we celebrate the eight festivals honoring the turning of the Wheel of the Year with food, fun, and festive activities of the season. These festivals follow the cycle of the sun throughout the year as it waxes and wanes in strength to create the four seasons.


Awakening The Divine Masculine

This monthly workshop focuses on anchoring the Divine Masculine energy on the planet.

Working with a different archetype each month to explore the many different facets of this complex and powerful energy, we bring in its purest form, free of distortion, to assist all men in expressing their true power.


Goddess Awakening

Every month we work with a different Goddess to reawaken the divine feminine for the planet and to empower ourselves with this archetypal energy.

We invite you to come in goddess clothing to fully immerse yourself in this amazing energy.

These events are hosted by our sister center: Limitless Light


Lightworker Gathering

This gathering for initiates in the Lineage of King Salomon is an opportunity for us to build our energies together for personal well-being, as well as sending Light out into the world.